Return Materials Authorization Request Form: TECH-RELATED only
***This is a REQUEST only(NOT YET AUTHORIZED), Items will be return if shipped with this form.*** (For installed & used product only. For new & unused product, please use this
***All RMA heaters must be sent to CA for repairs.***
Fill out the section below that applies to you if you are not the original owner of the unit
Please read Noritz America's "Return Product Policy: Wholesaler Returns" and Warranty before requesting a return authorization.
RMA's are for repair * return only. not for an issuance of credit
Upon receipt of the product, Noritz America will inspect and determine the necessary repairs. Repairs deemed non-warranty will be charged to the customer including parts, labor, and shipping. Non-warranty repairs are subject to a minimum of $60.00.
Noritz America will ask for authorization from the customer before completing non-warranty repairs in excess of the minimum service charge or the pre-approved amount below. Any products left in Noritz America's possession for more than 5 business days after a request for repair authorization has been made will be either returned or disposed of. For all return units we recommend freight shipments
I agree that I will NOT debit Noritz America for this return of goods. (RMA related)
RMA will not be issued without require (*) information completed
We strongly recommend that the installer coordinate troubleshooting with the Noritz America Technical Service Department before removing any heater from its installed location 866-766-7489.
Damange caused by improper installation methods are not covered under warranty (high voltage, b-vent, wrong gas type, high pressure gas, water to gas line, etc...)
RMA Registration
RMA Customer Claim